Sunday, June 10, 2012

Introducing...Documentarian, Tom Trainer

I am an Artist who’s primary medium thus far has been photography.  My career began in Los Angeles in 1986, when I started my photography business.  It was successful from the beginning and did not suffer any losses when I relocated from California to Ohio in 1992. 

The only ‘critiques’ I have ever received about my work is that it was too real, harsh, and controversial.  I choose to take these critiques as compliments because I intend for my work to make thought provoking statements.

The photography industry has undergone some massive technological changes since I started my career, which has opened up other creative avenues such as, video.  This renewed my passion for my work and I was ready to take this next step in my career.

Although I had the excitement and enthusiasm of an Artist with a fresh canvas, I lacked a subject.  Instead of going out to find a subject though, the subject of my first film found me. 

When Jane first contacted me and proposed this film idea I was more than a little apprehensive.  My main concern was that people would think that I was exploiting her in some way because she lives such an outrageous lifestyle.  For an exceptionally small woman, Jane can be very persuasive. 

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